Tuesday 7 May 2024

Kahoot English day 2024

 To do the activity: 

1) Organize the players in pairs so that every couple has a device to connect to the game

2) Explain the activity. They have 30 seconds to find the solution, so, think first, then answer  

3) They can work individualy or in pairs to share the tablet or mobile.

4) Ask the players to enter in Kahoot.it and wait for the code to log in the game

5) Find the link to the game     πŸ‘‰  here   πŸ‘ˆ

6) You may need to log in on Kahoot to play the game... Use a google account to do it. If you do not remember your credentials or do not want to use your own account, use one of these:

  • ddeltoboso2024
  • ercillatechnology
  • activities1819
  • studen0033

7) Revise the ranking after every question and explain the right answer

Sunday 14 April 2024

Video Game with Scratch

During this week you will learn how to:

  • Make the character move using the arrow keys
  • Make other sprite move in a random way
  • The conditional blocks with Scratch
  • The variables to have an score
  • The use of different backgrounds
  • Position the sprite with x and y values

Watching this video up to minute 15, you will understand all these conceps and try to learn the tricks to apply on your own video game:

πŸ‘‰Your act22 consists of creating a similar video game with the following requirements:

  • Include your name and surname in one moment of the video game: (when it finishes, during the game. at the beggining,...you choose)
  • Include al least: 
      • one sprite that moves using the arrow keys
      • Two or more sprites that drop random
      • A score
      • A final for the game where something happens (game over, schow the score or something)
      • Your name at the Game Over screen

  • Name and save the project with your surname or name and upload it in your OneDrive folder and virtual class task.

Monday 8 May 2023

Getting started with scratch. Activity Scratch01

Scratch is an object-oriented programming interface that uses blocks as scripts. It will help you to start in the world of computer programming.

Activity 1: Learn by doing. Try and solve the 10 small challenges suggested in this page:
Take into account that the situations are getting more difficult. Take your time to solve it but the last two are really difficult. I will give you the solutions later.

Activity 2: Try to start working with scratch on line, watch the video first:

  • On line program: Get to πŸ‘‰MIT scratch website and create an account. You can use your Google account. Learn all things about how to open, create, save,... programs there...

  • Desktop version (only in case the online version does not work for you)  Download and install the desktop version. Learn all basics of this version too

Activity 3: Watch the video and, following its instructions, create your first scratch program.

Activity 4: Do a similar project with the following coditions:
  • Two sprites (characters) that move alone and interact and do something funny.
  • Two different scenarios 
  • A short story
  • Include your name on the final credits
 Download the project with option "save on my computer".  πŸ“—Upload the sb3 document in your virtual class: scratch1

πŸ‘€Tip: Before sending documents, check the name it has. Never send documents with the name: project, trabajo, untitled, docum1, scratch, ... better if you name it: AGomez2Aproject1 or even JuanRP-exerc2, so that the document can be identify with you

πŸ‘€Tip: Scratch File Menu:  How to save, download, load, ...

Friday 21 April 2023

Designing the bridge

 It is the moment to design and construct your own bridge...

Use all your structures learning and creativity to draw your own version of a bridge.

You know you can use existing bridges as source of inspiration, here you have some ideas:

Remember that:
  • You have to present two documents: One of them is a 3D sketch of your design
  • The second document have the working drawings to make it real size (scale 1:1) of the planar trusses to construct all the elements
  • Remember that the materials to make the bridge are paper straws and thin cardboard
  • All elements of the design are to support the bridge deck
  • You have to keep in mind that your design is to be made later

To help you on your design you can use existing bridges, your knowledge about structures and the experience using the following android game:

Watch these videos to understand better how some bridges work...

πŸ‘€ Construction process and basics of a  huge arch bridge, where you can learn a lot about the structural elements:

πŸ‘€  And learn here the description of types of bidges..

Project presentation and poster

The last stage of the Technological Process is the evaluation and one part of it is the public presentation of the project.
To do that you have to prepare some documents with relevant infomation about all the Technological process you have followed.

You can find all technical report documents here, but watch also this video that helps you preparing all the content needed to make the poster...

And, to support your presentation, you will have to make a poster with all the information:
Here you have another video that explains how to do it using PowerPoint templates downloaded from this web side:

πŸ‘€ This video explains how to do the poster:


πŸ‘€ Last part of the poster edition

And here you have the script for the project presentation:

And here you have some of the posters the students have done:

Saturday 3 December 2022

Designing and making a spectroscope

 What is a spectroscope? It is a device that breaks down radiation (e.g. that of the sun) and makes the result, a spectrum, visible for the observing person. 

To make the spectrometer you need first to know whitch are its elements or parts:
  • entrance slit
  • grating
  • detector

So you would need to design a device with all these elements, by studying what is the best way to catch and view the spectrum. Instead of that you can choose one of some existing designs, to try and learn from it... Later you may give proposals about changes and improvements.

Possible designs:
Here I give to you some possible designs for your spectrometer. Revise all of them and choose, according to your criteria, the best one to be made.

This project is to be done in groups of three or two students. Every group has to do two different models and compare and analize the results. 

Steps to do the project:

1) Learn what a spectroscope is and what a spectrum is
2) Revise the possible solutions
3) Choose two designs and draw the 1:1 scale of your models (3D drawing, surface development and views)
4) Prepare a table with all material you need 
5) Make a construction plan
6) Make your spectroscopes
7) Use it on different light sources. Take pictures of the spectra
8) Do a poster to explain the whole process

The poster has to include:

1) Title, school logo and author names
2) Brief explanation about what a spectroscope is and what a spectrum is
3) Spectroscope designs
4) construction plan with materials ands tools
5) Final Spectroscipe photos
6) Main construction problems
7) Several examples of spectra (photos)
8) General evaluation of the project and Conclusions

Using and testing your spectroscope. Taking and editing spectra photographs 

Watch these videos to help you with this part of the project:

This is to help you editing and cropping the pictures:

Sunday 20 November 2022

Scale calculations and dimensioning

 How to calculate the scale when you have the dimensioned drawing.

Remember that the dimensions in the drawing are always real dimensions in mm.

Watch this video that shows an example:

Calculate the real dimensions of an object when you have the drawing and the scale.
Example for reducing scales:

Calculate the real dimensions of a microchip knowing the scale: 20:1 (enlarging scale)
Learn also how to dimension the drawing later


Learn now how to dimension a drawing.

Remember that you need to include always the real dimensions in mm.

Remember also that all dimensions that you read on a drawing are real dimensions in mm.

Watch these two videos to understand how to do it:

πŸ‘‰Project Sketchup 04: Draw the scaled and dimensioned views of figures 44 and 45, Include both and their correspondant 3D figure in one single document similar to the ones you did before.
  • Draw the views of figure 44 using the scale 1:1.
  • Use the 1:10 scale to draw the views of figure 45, 
  • Add all dimensions in both 3D and views of figures 44 and 45
  • Do not forget the title block where you have to say the scale you are using and the unit in mm