Sunday 14 April 2024

Video Game with Scratch

During this week you will learn how to:

  • Make the character move using the arrow keys
  • Make other sprite move in a random way
  • The conditional blocks with Scratch
  • The variables to have an score
  • The use of different backgrounds
  • Position the sprite with x and y values

Watching this video up to minute 15, you will understand all these conceps and try to learn the tricks to apply on your own video game:

👉Your act22 consists of creating a similar video game with the following requirements:

  • Include your name and surname in one moment of the video game: (when it finishes, during the game. at the beggining, choose)
  • Include al least: 
      • one sprite that moves using the arrow keys
      • Two or more sprites that drop random
      • A score
      • A final for the game where something happens (game over, schow the score or something)
      • Your name at the Game Over screen

  • Name and save the project with your surname or name and upload it in your OneDrive folder and virtual class task.

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