Saturday 3 December 2022

Designing and making a spectroscope

 What is a spectroscope? It is a device that breaks down radiation (e.g. that of the sun) and makes the result, a spectrum, visible for the observing person. 

To make the spectrometer you need first to know whitch are its elements or parts:
  • entrance slit
  • grating
  • detector

So you would need to design a device with all these elements, by studying what is the best way to catch and view the spectrum. Instead of that you can choose one of some existing designs, to try and learn from it... Later you may give proposals about changes and improvements.

Possible designs:
Here I give to you some possible designs for your spectrometer. Revise all of them and choose, according to your criteria, the best one to be made.

This project is to be done in groups of three or two students. Every group has to do two different models and compare and analize the results. 

Steps to do the project:

1) Learn what a spectroscope is and what a spectrum is
2) Revise the possible solutions
3) Choose two designs and draw the 1:1 scale of your models (3D drawing, surface development and views)
4) Prepare a table with all material you need 
5) Make a construction plan
6) Make your spectroscopes
7) Use it on different light sources. Take pictures of the spectra
8) Do a poster to explain the whole process

The poster has to include:

1) Title, school logo and author names
2) Brief explanation about what a spectroscope is and what a spectrum is
3) Spectroscope designs
4) construction plan with materials ands tools
5) Final Spectroscipe photos
6) Main construction problems
7) Several examples of spectra (photos)
8) General evaluation of the project and Conclusions

Using and testing your spectroscope. Taking and editing spectra photographs 

Watch these videos to help you with this part of the project:

This is to help you editing and cropping the pictures:

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