Tuesday 7 May 2024

Kahoot English day 2024

 To do the activity: 

1) Organize the players in pairs so that every couple has a device to connect to the game

2) Explain the activity. They have 30 seconds to find the solution, so, think first, then answer  

3) They can work individualy or in pairs to share the tablet or mobile.

4) Ask the players to enter in Kahoot.it and wait for the code to log in the game

5) Find the link to the game     ðŸ‘‰  here   ðŸ‘ˆ

6) You may need to log in on Kahoot to play the game... Use a google account to do it. If you do not remember your credentials or do not want to use your own account, use one of these:

  • ddeltoboso2024
  • ercillatechnology
  • activities1819
  • studen0033

7) Revise the ranking after every question and explain the right answer

Sunday 14 April 2024

Video Game with Scratch

During this week you will learn how to:

  • Make the character move using the arrow keys
  • Make other sprite move in a random way
  • The conditional blocks with Scratch
  • The variables to have an score
  • The use of different backgrounds
  • Position the sprite with x and y values

Watching this video up to minute 15, you will understand all these conceps and try to learn the tricks to apply on your own video game:

👉Your act22 consists of creating a similar video game with the following requirements:

  • Include your name and surname in one moment of the video game: (when it finishes, during the game. at the beggining,...you choose)
  • Include al least: 
      • one sprite that moves using the arrow keys
      • Two or more sprites that drop random
      • A score
      • A final for the game where something happens (game over, schow the score or something)
      • Your name at the Game Over screen

  • Name and save the project with your surname or name and upload it in your OneDrive folder and virtual class task.