Friday 30 September 2022

Drawing tools and sketchup

Ferrari F1 engine
You can find here the videos we watched in class about the use of the protractor and the set squares. They will help you do the exercises properly.
Drawings are very important in the technology classes, I advise you to be careful while drawing so that they look clear and neat.

These two links are to learn about the crating technique and practice. 

Another useful tool is sketchup, []. You only need a google account to open and model with the program.

ADVICE: Try not to use your mobile number to sign in the gmail account, use another account instead. Here you have a post to help you with it.

👀 Watch this video to know how to start with sketchup:

Activities: Draw the 3D model of the exercises 10 and 11 of the unit 2.

Do the drawings considering that each square = 10 cm = 100 mm

Export the figure as a png file and paste all of them in a DIN A4 sheet as you can see here, include a title block with name, surname, class and description of the work:

👉Do activity in pairs using the Office 365 sharing the document. Export the document later as a pdf document and upload it using the EducamosCLM platform. Be sure you meet all the conditions and date. More details in your virtual lesson in EducamosCLM.
Add the title block in the document footer with your name, surname and class and include sketchup01 as the exercise name. 

Watch these videos to learn:

 ðŸ‘€ How to create one of the figures, how to save with skech up and how to export the png drawing that ca be pasted on a word document later.  The video has three parts:

1.- Open sketch up, organize the folders and working area

2.- Draw the figure, step by step

3.- Save, export, crop...

 ðŸ‘€ How to create your title block for all your Technology projects, how to paste and adapt your figures to the document and how to save it as pdf document.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Welcome to Technology through English

Hallo everyone, this site will be for the second year technology students. This way, you can revise the content you have learned in class and  find also more detailed information about the topics you may find interesting.
We can start revising the videos you could watch in class as examples of the different types of work organization: craftsmanship, mass production and major engineering works. You can also see a fragment of a funny film to show one of those types of work organization.
Come on and enjoy yourself!

👉 Exercise 1. Unit 1. Download and fill in the following exercises. One is to be done watching the videos 1,2 and 3. The exercise 2 is to classify products according to the three main ways of work organization.