Sunday 12 December 2021

Structural Analysis of physical structures

Choose two beautiful bridges and identify the structural elements and the stress they are bearing.
Represent the system, label its parts (elements and stresses) and give a brief explanation of the structural elements as the example shows.

Example of the activity:

This video can help you oing this project:

  Steps to do the activity:

1. Choose the structure
2. Identify the structural elements and stress forces using the notes and all you have learnt in class
3. Prepare a document (google jamboard or any other whiteboard)
4. Point and label its parts as it is shown in the example
5. Include brief explanation about the the structural elements
6. Include the title block with your name and all information needed. Include there information about the strucrure. (where the bridge is, what type of bridge it is ...)
7. Export the document as a pdf  or image format
8. Upload the two activities in your EducamosCLM site class
9. You have to do two bridges

Example with another structure (swing), but you have to do it with a bridge: