Monday 8 May 2023

Getting started with scratch. Activity Scratch01

Scratch is an object-oriented programming interface that uses blocks as scripts. It will help you to start in the world of computer programming.

Activity 1: Learn by doing. Try and solve the 10 small challenges suggested in this page:
Take into account that the situations are getting more difficult. Take your time to solve it but the last two are really difficult. I will give you the solutions later.

Activity 2: Try to start working with scratch on line, watch the video first:

  • On line program: Get to 👉MIT scratch website and create an account. You can use your Google account. Learn all things about how to open, create, save,... programs there...

  • Desktop version (only in case the online version does not work for you)  Download and install the desktop version. Learn all basics of this version too

Activity 3: Watch the video and, following its instructions, create your first scratch program.

Activity 4: Do a similar project with the following coditions:
  • Two sprites (characters) that move alone and interact and do something funny.
  • Two different scenarios 
  • A short story
  • Include your name on the final credits
 Download the project with option "save on my computer".  📗Upload the sb3 document in your virtual class: scratch1

👀Tip: Before sending documents, check the name it has. Never send documents with the name: project, trabajo, untitled, docum1, scratch, ... better if you name it: AGomez2Aproject1 or even JuanRP-exerc2, so that the document can be identify with you

👀Tip: Scratch File Menu:  How to save, download, load, ...