Friday 21 April 2023

Designing the bridge

 It is the moment to design and construct your own bridge...

Use all your structures learning and creativity to draw your own version of a bridge.

You know you can use existing bridges as source of inspiration, here you have some ideas:

Remember that:
  • You have to present two documents: One of them is a 3D sketch of your design
  • The second document have the working drawings to make it real size (scale 1:1) of the planar trusses to construct all the elements
  • Remember that the materials to make the bridge are paper straws and thin cardboard
  • All elements of the design are to support the bridge deck
  • You have to keep in mind that your design is to be made later

To help you on your design you can use existing bridges, your knowledge about structures and the experience using the following android game:

Watch these videos to understand better how some bridges work...

👀 Construction process and basics of a  huge arch bridge, where you can learn a lot about the structural elements:

👀  And learn here the description of types of bidges..

Project presentation and poster

The last stage of the Technological Process is the evaluation and one part of it is the public presentation of the project.
To do that you have to prepare some documents with relevant infomation about all the Technological process you have followed.

You can find all technical report documents here, but watch also this video that helps you preparing all the content needed to make the poster...

And, to support your presentation, you will have to make a poster with all the information:
Here you have another video that explains how to do it using PowerPoint templates downloaded from this web side:

👀 This video explains how to do the poster:


👀 Last part of the poster edition

And here you have the script for the project presentation:

And here you have some of the posters the students have done: