Wednesday 27 April 2022

Project Presentation and Poster 20-21

The last stage of the Technological Process is the evaluation and one part of it is the public presentation of the project.
To do that you have to prepare some documents with relevant infomation about all the Technological process you have followed.

You can find all technical report documents here, but watch also this video that helps you preparing all the content needed to make the poster...

And, to support your presentation, you will have to make a poster with all the information:
Here you have another video that explains how to do it using PowerPoint templates downloaded from this web side:

In case you do not have the PowerPoint program installed on your computer, or you prefer to do the poster using an online application, watch the next video that explains how to use these two options:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 365 included on your educastillalamancha credentials
  • Google presentations included on your google apps  (minute 9:31 of the video)